Repairing the inner wings of my Volvo Amazon has been a job that I have been mulling over for quite some time and now having finished the repairs to the off side windscreen surround (see previous post ), it seemed that the time was right. I began by removing under-seal, using a scraper and a heat gun; a messy job, but it came away without too much fuss. I have also found that the last remnants can be wiped off using a rag soaked in panel wipe. Once the area was clean, I proceeded to carefully remove the previous repairs and then drilled out the spot welds to remove the box section. I have some repair sections which I bought many years ago at the Beaulieu Autojumble, however I felt that I didn't want to remove the entire inner wing from this side of the car as the wall itself was pretty good. My plan was to use just the top and box section of the repair panel. Of course, nothing ever goes that smoothly. Offering up the panel, I discovered that things didn't line up correctly. If...
After more than 20 years lying buried and forgotten in a damp and dusty garage, my 1970 Volvo Amazon has been dragged out into the light. But will it ever play the guitar again?