We are into spring and I have been able to spend some time working on the nearside (UK right hand drive car) windscreen frame. This was considerably more extensive than the corrosion damage on the offside, with the biggest challenge being that an area of the lip had completely disintegrated. Before I proceed, I must apologise as I have been a bit lax with the camera and I have not documented this as comprehensively as I perhaps should. Anyway... back to the welding. First, I cut away the rot from the inside bulkhead pressing. Then using my DIY sheet metal folder along with the shrinker/stretcher, I fashioned a repair piece. There was just about enough of the outer lip remaining to get the shape and depth; I also took measurements and made card templates from the offside window frame corner. With this welded in place, I fabricated the first of two sections for the outer lip, again using the shrinker/stretcher tool and referring to the templates and measurements from the offside. On...
After more than 20 years lying buried and forgotten in a damp and dusty garage, my 1970 Volvo Amazon has been dragged out into the light. But will it ever play the guitar again?